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Margo McKenzie
1 min read
Delaware Authors Forum Presents: Psalms to Write By: Reflections, Prompts and Strategies
Delaware Authors Forum Presents: Psalms to Write By: Reflections, Prompts and Strategies Margo McKenzie will present "Psalms to Write By:...

Margo McKenzie
2 min read
A Transparent Necessity
I adjust the controls on the flow and delight in the comfortably hot, colorless fluid on my clothes-less body. My pores welcome the...

Margo McKenzie
2 min read
A Stone Harvesting Moment
Hope I pass. The course was difficult Hope to see you.  We’re miles apart. Hope you get that raise.  Who can’t use a few extra dollars...

Margo McKenzie
2 min read
I Can Still See Him
He’s been gone for over fifty years, but I can still see him as though I had been in his presence only yesterday. I can still hear his...

Margo McKenzie
2 min read
Finding Intent: It’s That Time Again
It’s that time again when we get a little more reflective than usual. We look over the past 365 and smile to ourselves for what we got...

Margo McKenzie
4 min read
How I Fell in Love with a Complicated Commodity
We unwittingly put so much onto our bodies. It takes a science degree to understand the list of ingredients lotions and hair care...

Margo McKenzie
5 min read
Hot Summer and Double Dutch
Besides board games and double Dutch, summers also meant Mitch, the good humored ice cream man. We always heard his truck music before he...

Margo McKenzie
4 min read
Unblocking Writer's Block
So often writers complain that they’ve lost their inspiration to write. They don’t feel creative. The white page just stares at them, and...

Margo McKenzie
3 min read
Brownstone Livin,' Brooklyn Trippin'
We numbered a family of five when my parents purchased a three-story brownstone in the now gentrified neighborhood of Crown Heights,...

Margo McKenzie
5 min read
Heartbeat In A Pew
In the community where I spent my formative years, I'd pass many schools, liquor stores and bars, but I'd also pass a church on just...

Margo McKenzie
3 min read
New Hustles, New Muscles
I had acquired the credentials I needed to become a high school English teacher and then an administrator. Each year I worked to...

Margo McKenzie
4 min read
My 6 Steps to Becoming A Writer
I had jitters when I first stepped in front of a classroom. I had jitters leading my first department meeting—and maybe my second and...

Margo McKenzie
2 min read
Spaces For Making
I didn’t have too much surface space in my kitchen in Bed-Stuy, so when I cooked, I kept it simple. Yes, I used cutting boards and mixing...

Margo McKenzie
4 min read
When A Seed Becomes Itself
I walked into the Garden Department of my local box store and there they were: Burpee seeds for arugula, carrots, and string beans and so...
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